About Our Credit Union
When you walk into the Credit Union lobby, or call a loan officer, what makes Nebraska State Employees CU different from a bank isn’t immediately apparent.
Locally-owned, personal service
When you walk into the Credit Union lobby, or call a loan officer, what makes Nebraska State Employees Credit Union different from a bank isn’t immediately apparent. The two financial institutions may offer similar products and service, but there the similarities stop. There are crucial differences, which go beyond financial issues.
- Nebraska State Employees Credit Union offers it members a non-profit, democratic, member-controlled ownership structure while stockholders, not customers, control banks. Credit Unions are the only democratically controlled financial institutions in the United States.
- Nebraska State Employees Credit Union is a locally-owned institution providing you with personal service right here in Lincoln. Unlike recent bank mergers, which force their customers to use 800 numbers in another state, our service and problem resolution is local. You may walk into any office and speak with a real, live person. You will never be charged a fee for that service.
- Nebraska State Employees Credit Union charges lower fees than its banking competition.
- Nebraska State Employees Credit Union is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors unlike banks that have highly paid Board of Directors who work for the large stockholders, not the customers.
Who is Eligible for Membership?
Employees of the State of Nebraska.
All public employees (federal, county, city, state) including military personnel (Army Reserve & National Guard) in Dodge County, Nebraska.
Employees of Community Colleges funded in part by state funds.
Employees of the Credit Union.
Any person whose regular place of employment is in any office building maintained by the State of Nebraska.
Persons retired as pensioners or annuitants from the above employment.
Spouses of persons who die while within the field of membership.
Family members of persons within the field of membership.
Any organizations of such persons.
Years Established